The St. Brigid Community Outreach Center is a viable entity in our community. We look for ways to ease hunger and provide comfort to the needy of the Hanford and Armona areas. Our emergency food pantry and store provide for the needs of our clients at no cost. The center is 100% volunteer-run.
St. Brigid Community Outreach Center assists the neediest clients, regardless of religious affiliation, with free emergency food, clothing, and other supportive services.
It is through the service of S.B.C.O.C's volunteers that we are able to provide our services to those in most need within our community. Learn more about the benefits of becoming a volunteer.
There are a variety of ways you can donate to S.B.C.O.C. and make an positive impact on your community.
Our emergency food pantry is well stocked and ready to distribute both perishable and non-perishable food to children, seniors, families and other individuals in need.
Our general shopping store provides free clothing and accessories for men, women, and children in need.
We try our best to accommodate every need to those we serve. We refer our clients to more services within our community who can also help.
St. Brigid Community Outreach Center is currently distributing food and clothing to eligible clients and new clients who meet our eligibility requirements. St. Brigid Community Outreach Center's front door is currently open for clients, and donations are accepted at the Center's back donation door during operating hours.
Our current operating hours are:
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
Closed Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and most holidays.
For donations of clothing and household items that are clean and in good condition will be accepted at the back door of the center during business hours.
To receive food, you must bring a valid ID, be a current or former client (in our database), and be eligible to receive services at this time: ( Hanford/Armona resident, have not received services in the past 30 days.)
We accept new clients with proper documentation (Photo ID, Verification of Hanford/Armona residence, Verification of low income status, Verification of all legal dependents residing with client.
Currently our center is out of cereals which are typically given out to all our clients. We have been running short on food overall and the food banks list of available food to order has dwindled making it increasingly difficult to keep stocked.
If there is anything that the center needs most at this time, its food. Keep the center in mind when you are out and about shopping this week.
Due to the generosity of our donors, food recovery partners, and the Central California Food Bank, the St. Brigid Community Outreach Center has been blessed with enough food to expand our food distribution services to clients from once every 60 days to once every 30 days (maximum of once each calendar month).
With this change we will be able to serve twice as many clients each month with meat, produce, bread, and miscellaneous other staples along with the regular food bags we have always provided.
Thanks to all those who have supported us!
SBCOC is gave away 432 thanksgiving baskets to needy families. Thank you to all who contributed donations and food to make this possible.
SBCOC Donates food
to local Veterans of Hanford
SBCOC gave away food bags to our local Veterans in deep gratitude of their service to our country.
Volunteers Help Distribute
Toys For Tots
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped distribute this year Toys for Tots to the less fortunate children in our community. Thank you to all who donated and participated to make this event successful.
On behalf of the St. Brigid Community Outreach Center Volunteers, many thanks and gratitude for your generous donation. We are incredibly blessed! In 2021, Cal Viva Health is celebrating their 10th year of serving the Central Valley. Check out their video in which they share some highlights of the amazing investments they have made over the years including St. Brigid Community Outreach Center.